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Motor Accessory TURCK MK 72-S10 EX0/024VDC
Categoria - Fans, Motors & Thermal Management
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Presso la compagnia Famaga potete comprare Motor Accessory TURCK MK 72-S10 EX0/024VDC, nonché altre parti di ricambio della compagnia Turck con consegna in tutto il mondo, compresa la vostra città Dublin. Per domandare dei prezzi, dei tempi di consegna e di altre caratteristiche dei prodotti Turck, vi preghiamo di compilare il modulo di feedback o d’inviare una descrizione di quello che vi è necessario all’indirizzo di posta elettronica sales@famaga.us

Sensors that are used and innovative and reliable automation solutions for various industrial enterprises and manufacturing processes offered by the German company TURCK help their clients to address the challenges standing in front of them and increase operational efficiency. The company has been present at the market since 1965 and has headquarters in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.MK72 Valve Control ModuleThe solenoid driver MK72 modules feature an intrinsically safe output with limited current and voltage, making them ideally suited for direct connection to loads in Ex-areas. They are typically suited for applications requiring the control of EExi pilot valves as well as the supply of displays and transmitters. Various output voltage models are available. The loads can be controlled in two different ways: Power supply: Terminal 5 and 6 have to be bridged. In this operating mode the switching frequency is limited to either 8 or 25 Hz depending on the model. Power supply steady applied at the input: For this purpose a potential-free contact has to be placed between terminals 5 and 6 or input voltage has to be applied to terminal 5. Due to reduced power and the large voltage range the control is still guaranteed, even in cases of low power or high voltage drop at the PCS outputs. This operation mode provides the highest switching frequency (250 Hz). The switching status of the output is indicated by a yellow LED and operational readiness by a green LED.''Eseguiamo la fornitura
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